UICC GLOBALink Presents...
The Tobacco Reference Guide
by David Moyer, MD.

Chapter 1 Scope of the problem and overall death and disability

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"Tobacco is the single, chief, avoidable cause of death in our society, and the most

important public issue of our time."

C. Everett Koop, M.D., 1984

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Deaths caused by smoking in developed countries from 1950 to 2000 will total an

estimated 52 million men (20% of the total deaths) and 10.5 million women (4% of all

deaths of women in this time period.)

Tobacco or Health: A Global Status Report, 1997, p. 44

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Annual tobacco-attributable mortality is expected to increase from three million deaths

in 1990 to 8.4 million in 2020, with almost all of this annual increase (4.7 million out of

5.4 million deaths) expected to occur in developing countries.

The Global Burden of Disease, Christopher Murray and Alan Lopez, Harvard

University Press, 1996, p. 317

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Annual worldwide deaths from cigarettes will quadruple from the present 2.5 million to

10 million by the year 2030.

Mortality from Smoking, Richard Peto

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The 434,000 Americans who die from smoking each year exceed the combined total

of deaths from car accidents, plane crashes, homicide, suicide, AIDS, alcohol, and

drug abuse.

Saving Lives and Raising Revenue Coalition on Smoking or Health, February 1995

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The death toll from tobacco is equivalent to four fully loaded jumbo jets crashing each

day, each one without any survivors.

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Copyright (©) 2000 - David Moyer - published on UICC GLOBALink