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GLOBALink Helpdesk Centre

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Frequently asked questions

I have lost my password
Connect to and put your username or email address
How can I change my password ?
My password does not seem to work
Make sure your keyboard caps-lock is disabled, and you make the difference between the digit 1 and the letter l
What lists am I subscribed to ?
Connect to to get the lists you are subscribed to. Simply click on the appropriate link to subscribe or unsubscribe.
What is GLOBALInk N&I; ?
GLOBALink N&I; is the News & Information bulletin edited daily or weekly by Stan Shatenstein (English), Susanne Schunk (German), Giacomo Mangiaracina (Italian) and Maria-Paz Corvalan (Spanish). Go to; to find out more and subscribe.
How can I unsubscribe from a list ?
Connect to and click the green bullet to subscribe to the desired list.
How can I subscribe to a list ?
Connect to (forums) or (news bulletins) and click the red bullet to subscribe to the desired list.
Can I attach some files to a message ?
Yes, if its size does not exceed 100kb. However, we suggest you upload your files to your GLK Upload Area at and copy & paste the given URL into your message
I have not been receiving GLOBALink for a few days. What's happening ?
If you were out of the office or if your mailbox was full or if you recently changed your email address without updating your data on GLK, our server automatically stops sending the messages t you. Just connect to and make sure your details are up to date.
How can I add my picture to the messages I post to GLK ?
You need to upload your JPG picture at the online form at
I have already signed the competing-interest declaration. Do I need to do it again?
No, you do not need to sign it again, as far as you can see your own declaration at
How can I contribute to a list ?
Connect to and choose the most appropriate list. You can either click on the email address to post from a web form, or copy & paste the email address to your favourite email software.
I have filled out the form to join GLOBALink. What is the delay to become a member?
Please allow up to 3 months before your membership is active. You can get the stage of the process of validation by clicking again on the link you have received
How can I update my email address ?
Just connect to and update the form.
My latest message to tob-mail does not seem to be online.
Some lists like tob-mail are moderated. We suggest you choose the most appropriate list at
I would like to join GLOBALink, what is the process?
You just have to connect to and fill out the form.
I cannot connect to my FTP account anymore
For security matters, it is not possible anymore to connect to your Webspace using the FTP protocol. Instead, you should use the SFTP protocol. Connect to to find out more.
I will be out of the office, how can I temporarily stop receiving GLK ?
Please connect to and change your status to "currently out of the office" and set your return date.
Tobacco Victims
UICC Website
Tobacco Control Online